New Earswick Parish Council York

New Earswick Parish Council

07391 665639
New Earswick Primary School, New Earswick, York YO32 4BY

Your Local Councillors Are:-

Cllr Christine Cooke
Cllr Christine Durrant
Cllr Will Durrant
Cllr Sue Glenton  (Chair)
Cllr Roy Love   (Vice Chair)
Cllr Yvonne Orton
Cllr Carol Runciman
Cllr Audrey Steel
Cllr Joan Whitehead

Representatives on Committees and Outside Organisations

Cllr Sue Glenton

Vice Chair
Roy Love

Finance Committee
Cllr Christine Durrant
Cllr Roy Love
Cllr Carol Runciman
Cllr Audrey Steel

General Purposes and Planning Committee
Cllr Christine Cooke
Cllr Will Durrant
Cllr Sue Glenton
Cllr Roy Love
Cllr Audrey Steel
Cllr Joan Whitehead

Haxby Group
Cllr Joan Whitehead

Recycling Initiatives
Cllr Yvonne Orton

Rights of Way Officer
Cllr Yvonne Orton with support of Fiona Crawford

New Earswick Nature Reserve
Cllr Christine Durrant and Cllr Sue Glenton with support from Cllr Yvonne Orton

Board of Trustee
Friends of New Earswick Pool - Cllr Sue Glenton

River Foss Society
Cllr Christine Durrant
Cllr Will Durrant

York Bus Forum
Cllr Christine Cooke

Yorkshire Local Councils Association
Cllr Sue Glenton
Cllr Roy Love

Emergency Planning
Cllr Sue Glenton and Clerk

Defibrillator Guardians
Cllr Yvonne Orton and Clerk

Register of Interests (Click on name to download document)

To get in touch with any of the Councillors, please contact the Clerk, Mrs Sally Bruckshaw c/o New Earswick Primary School , YO32 4BY

Telephone:- 07391 665639

Parish Council Meetings are normally held on the third Monday of each month (except December), at the Folk Hall commencing at 7.00 p.m.

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Images by Will Durrant